Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Am I Cursed Or What?

Am I cursed or what?

I have, at many times, been um..... cursed, I may say.

Different incidences have happened in my past that I am not really blessed when it comes to certain things.

Take, for example, my bike. Bycycle that is. I [well... my father actually] purchased it.
I really liked it. And then, after a few months, it got stolen right from front of my house.
Well, it could have half been my mistake because I heard the opening of the door. It was around 10:00 pm. I was watching a movie with the rest of my family, so I didn't get up and check on it.

Another example is, my mobile. I bought a new mobile. I, like my bike, liked it very much. It had all the features which, at that time were quiet good. I left it on my table on a day, as I had to go to school and we were not allowed to bring cellphones there. When I came home that evening, it was gone. Yes, gone, stolen.

I haven't figured out till date who had stolen it, but it was probably our maid.

All I can do is hope, I will not remain cursed in my future.